
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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A inspirational lady.

Lou helped me in such a way to become a instructor with her inspirational seminars and one to one talks. Lou had a way to interact and keep us all entertained when doing this. She will be missed by me and so many other instructor’s, still can’t believe she’s gone from us all. God bless you Lou. 🙏

Satish jain

Aug 28, 2023
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Thank you Lovely Lou

Thank you to lovely Lou for bringing positivity and smiles wherever you went.
You gave me confidence & knowledge to be the best I can be and brought light & love to everyone you met.
A shiny star in this world and the next.
Forever in so many hearts and minds.

Suzanne Moir

Aug 28, 2023
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A Beacon of Light

Still in shock, such a lovely lady who will always be remembered working just won’t feel the same.

Kerry Bradley

Aug 28, 2023
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Magic Fairy Dust

She sprinkled her magic fairy dust wherever she went. If you met Lou you know exactly what I mean. She had this uncanny ability to make you feel like you were the most important person in the room to her. She was such a powerhouse of knowledge kindness and kick ass let’s go get it energy. I loved her Christmas quizzes. Our industry was sprinkled with her magic and has benefited in ways nobody can fully put into words. Her work down here is done. She’s now got work to do upstairs. X💕

Julie Mansley

Aug 28, 2023

Incredible Lady!!

Lou was a legend in our industry!! She inspired countless people through her fun-filled, knowledgeable, understandable, relatable and passionate commitment to driver training. I only met her twice – once on a Standards Check Workshop and the other time as a lead car in last years BLR (Leven to Dunfermline). She will always continue to make us laugh every day, with some of her legendary sayings and games. Her legacy will live on in all of us ADI’s, PDI’s and learner drivers in the years to come, making learning to drive the safe, exciting, interesting and fun skill that it should be. I just cannot comprehend that she’s not here now, she will never be forgotten. ❤️

Judith Rae

Aug 28, 2023

Our hero x

Lou was the most amazing person I’ve ever had the privilege to meet and call my friend.
She has been an inspiration to the driving instructor industry. No one else could of brought so many people together for a fantastic cause.
Lou’s smile is infectious to all of us. She has always supported everyone wherever she can. I’m going to miss her more than words can express. My heart goes out to her lovely family. Lou has left the biggest hole in so many people’s lives. Keep smiling down on us all xx

Rebecca Radbourne

Aug 28, 2023
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Such a great loss to us all

Can’t believe you’ve be taken so soon,
I never got to meet you in person but you helped me through the page you made so selflessly to help countless other people.
That shows what a loving kind caring person you were.
Your knowledge and caring nature has and will continue to help people and so your legacy will live on in us all.
Fly high with the angels Lou, you’ll be sadly missed xxx

Melanie Rust

Aug 28, 2023
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A true legend

I was on holiday when I heard of Lou’s passing, it totally knocked me for six, which is a strange thing in some ways, seeing as Lou wasn’t a personal friend – but that was the impact she had on people. I first had contact with Lou through messanger when I was a PDI and the information she gave me was invaluable. I then attended one of her part 3 workshops. At the end of the workshop I wanted to thank Lou for the help she had given me prior to it, as it was something I really appreciated – but to Lou, it was just doing what Lou does, helping people. She didn’t want the thanks for it, her thanks was seeing the people get on in the industry.
I saw Lou a few more times near test centres on test days, she always made the time to say hello or a quick wave – never had a fail when I saw her before a test either! Even had a few messanger exchanges with her about football when she realised I was heading to Wembley to watch football as Blaine was too – so it wasn’t even always work related with Lou.
Most of my learners would have heard me mention Lou (and Blaine) to them at some point during their training and I even got a friend who is a PDI to reach out to Lou just a few weeks back as he was struggling with his training – he told me the hour or so he was with Lou, she made everything make sense and was far more productive than the 40+ hours he had had with his trainer – that was Lou.

The industry as lost a true legend in every sense of the wordz nothing was too much trouble for Lou, there just wasn’t enough hours for her to do everything she wanted, which was to help us.

As I said at the start it really knocked me for 6 (bought back some horrible memories of losing my mum unexpectedly at a young age) still can’t get my head round it now.

Blaine, Lou’s children, family and friends, thoughts are with you all. Lou was truly a special lady, loved and missed by many and I truly hope that that will help you all in some way. As Blaine and others have said Lou was the smallest giant, and she has left one massive whole in the industry.

James McClafferty

Aug 28, 2023
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Wonderful lou

I’ve met u a couple times, u was always helpful and smiling.
Watch us from above in the test centre in the sky xx

Debbie Wale

Aug 28, 2023

Lou, an absolute legend

Just like the entire country. In total shock and sadness that we are writing on this page.
Lou, you have touched so many peoples lives, and left a legacy that will live on forever in the ADI industry. From joining the relay before I was even a PDI, to joining your training course as PDI, to joining the BLR committee. You was always supportive, always carried a smile no matter how you felt. You’ve created thousands of new friendships and your memory will live on through these. We love you, and miss you 💞

Danny steen

Aug 28, 2023

It’s been a pleasure Lou

Our paths crossed on many occasions and you were always an inspiration to us all. We joined you during legs of the BLR and your enthusiasm for the cause was amazing. You will always be amazing and you will always in our thoughts. Thank you Lou for being you.

Green 4 Go Driving School

Aug 28, 2023
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The one & only Lou. 💝

Dear Lou. 🩷
Every single thing I saw you do made me smile/laugh or hug you!
Each rainbow I see I’m going to imagine it’s you smiling down on us all with your colourful glasses glistening in the light! 🌈 ☀️
Thank you for all the comedy moments whether during lockdown or through the BLR. 😊
I don’t know how you pulled the BLR off for the last 9 years, but you’d always say it was teamwork. What we know is that it was such fun! Us Warrington crew got involved every year and thoroughly enjoyed it! I’d bring you a tuck parcel every time! 🍭
You inspired SOO many thousands of people and helped SOOOO many thousands more. 💚
I’m so grateful to have this chance to write a note. You absolutely deserve it.
We are all deeply shocked that you are now in another place, tears keep appearing every day.
I hope your family and friends are able to read our messages to you, and that it gives them a little moment of sunshine. 🙏 xxxx
All the love in the world. 🌎 💝

Jane Hatton Robinson

Aug 28, 2023