I have known Lou & Blaine since first qualifying in 2011. Sat in with Lou during a lesson for inspiration, attended workshops and a lead car in the BLR.
A tiny lady with the hugest of hearts 💕
Love to Blaine, Amy and family xx
Well I lost my phone last week. Best thing in a way. It kept my mind off thinking constantly about Blaine the kids and Lou This is what a legend she is…I kept thinking come on champ what would Lou do. If she was alive I ain’t gonna lie I wouldn’t have given a thought to her …now she gone I’m thinking more about her and the impact she left to my life. She was superwoman. I really didn’t know her as well as others did but she always had time to message me back when I needed her. I really can’t believe she isn’t here but her legacy will live on Lou I believe if I lost my phone you would say something like ya muppet/dickhead/…it will all BR okay..I
Miss you already so much. X
I first encountered Lou on the driving instructor training videos she and Blaine had made and posted online..but was lucky enough to meet her in person twice earlier this year.
Amongst many other very good trainers I found her content to be refreshing in some way that I could never put my finger on, maybe her delivery of the content, the way she could make things easier to understand, or just she had a soft spoken voice…
I then joined her PDI group of which I think I’m one of the longest members as I still haven’t passed yet due to my own training journey but, I did do a 3 hour drive down to Southampton earlier this year just to have a 4 hour lesson with the lady herself which was an absolute pleasure and I so wished I lived nearer so I could’ve had many more lessons because I learnt so much in those 4 hours about the industry and myself, and was immersed in her company from start to finish. Some of the ways she thought about things were quite different to the norm but then the way she could explain that to a pupil so easily was brilliant.
I then got to say hello again at the ADI NJC conference after her workshop.
I was like many very shocked at the news of her passing away, the industry is a lesser place without her. Hopefully many of us will try to “be more Lou” and she will have a long and great legacy.
Admittedly, I have never met Lou – or anyone involved in the Big Learner Relay for that matter. Years ago, a post came up on my Facebook newsfeed about a plucky lady who had an insane idea to get as many people as possible to go round the country with her. This Children in Need loving Brit who now lives in Germany thought the concept was brilliant, and would look forward to each and every update each year. Lou once said in an interview “well, what could we as an industry do to raise money?”: and it’s this initiative, this attitude which really made her stand out. It would have been a privilege to have met her.
I’m a teacher, I’m good at communicating,I’m good with words,so why can’t I find the words to describe how I feel 😞.
I’ve known you 10 years and been so proud to work with you and the other committee members during that time.
I have read all the tributes , such lovely comments.
I can’t better any of them so me being me I want to share with you guys and girls something stupidly special to me that Lou taught me.
How to use a selfie stick. Yep I received a short training lesson in the art of using a selfie stick and just when I thought I’d cracked it my trainer popped into the photo 😂.
So that’s all for now Lou. Till we meet again on the relay in the sky……………
I was on the first BLR and honoured to be asked to be a lead car on the 2nd. One thing many people won’t know about ‘our’ Lou, was what she did behind the scenes in private. When one of my beloved cats passed away , she sent a book ( The 10th good thing about Barney) to help me come to terms with my loss. A copy of that book has helped the children of my friend come to terms with the loss of their own cat. Lou’s legacy lives on in so many ways. RIP beautiful lady and the brightest star in the sky. Love you. Xx
My heart and sincere sympathy goes out to Blaine and all Lou’s family and close friends. I hope your cherished memories can help you cope with the days, weeks, months and years ahead without your beloved wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend. Her passing is truly devastating. Lou was funny, inspirational, encouraging and totally committed to everything she did.
During her time in this world no-one could have made more of a difference in the Driving Instructor Industry, Lou freely gave her time to help so many ADI’s and PDI’s and always with such compassion, and passion for helping everyone to be a better version of themselves. She told me how late she was up to each night responding to messages of help, always trying to answer everyone.
Of course the BLR was a huge success and her work for children in need will never be forgotten. I was delighted to be a lead car in 2018, and marvelled at Lou’s stamina and enthusiasm. I’m sad I don’t have any photos with Lou that day, but it was quite dark by the time our leg started.
A large hole is left that no one can ever fill. A wonderful woman taken far too soon.
Rest in Peace Lou xx
I never had the privilege of meeting Lou, but from what I have been told about her from Kay and reading about her the only words I can use to describe her is a remarkable woman who was truly selfless, she changed so many peoples lives and gave them so much confidence, her charity work is truly remarkable from the money she raised will make her legacy live on forever.
Rest in peace Lou.
This lady was one in a million , what Lou has done for a wide range of ADI and PDI is unbelievable she will truly be missed
Lou was one of the, if not THE, most inspirational and exceptional people I have encountered. While I am based in Scotland, aaaaages away from the south coast, I had the fortune of meeting Lou in person on four occasions, and online many times.
She was always ready to support others, and for hundreds if not thousands of ADIs, is *the* reason why they qualified when they did. Without the support network she created and led, I would not be the instructor I am today.
My most recent memory of Lou is when I had to bow out of leading the relay last year, right at departure time as my wee girl who was with us had just been sick. Lou’s focus wasn’t on how the relay would continue, and she wasn’t initially interested in me filling her in on the amended plan – she was only interested in checking that my wee girl was okay and that we could manage home okay.
I’ve held back on posting any tributes to Lou due to a lack of words!! But over the weekend I was at Tabletop Scotland in Perth: seeing loads of people happy and passionate, participating in their interests, this continually reminded me of Lou and her contagious energy! I was left doing double takes because I could feel and sense the kind of energy, enthusiasm and positivity which I will always associate with Lou.
I’ll strive to do Lou proud as I continue in my role as an ADI, and am keeping Blaine, the kids and Lou’s wider family in my thoughts.
Lost for words is what springs to mind. It’s been about a week now since I read the devastating news of Lou dying. I am still lost for words. I met Lou first on one of her training courses a few years ago. She helped me so much to pass my part 3 and again for my standard check that came soon after. All the videos and the course, as well as Blaines of course. I then had the honour of being a lead car in the relay she and her team had organised. I had Lou in the back of my car! Seems silly right, to get so exited about having someone in the back of your car. But for me she was such an inspiration, full of support and hope and hapiness. Always helping people out. I know Covid was a struggle for so many if us and she would post the odd post on Facebook to keep us all going. She will be so missed by a lot of people and will leave a big gap. She was so full of life and still had so much to do, the new house and the start of the last ever relay to begin soon…
My thoughts are with you Blaine and your children and family.
I was lost for words 😪😪
Lou Walsh what a character, for ever smiling, her kindness and ability to put you at ease whenever you were in her company. I’m sure she’s up there with her spotty wings guiding you as a family in everything you will strive to do .
R.I.P Lou you were the best x