
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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The positive support I needed

I attended one of Lou and Blaines workshops last year in Ipswich when I was training for my part 3. I was at a low point where I doubted my abilities and felt a bit cut off from my current trainer. I reached out to Lou and signed up for the course and I was blown away by how engaging and fun lou was. I felt like a sponge soaking up her every words and listening attentively.
I was so saddened and shocked to hear about her passing as she was young and had so much passion for her job role. My condolences to her husband, children and family. 💗💚

Shelley fieldhouse

Aug 30, 2023
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Passionate & so inspirational

I had the privilege of training with Lou on both ADI part 3 training and train the trainer. Lou was probably the most passionate ADI I have ever met. She inspired me to do the best I could each day and support others in the process. It literally stopped me in my tracks to hear what has happened. Lou is such a massive loss to the industry but most of all to her devoted family. My thoughts are with Blaine and the family. I’m sure Lou will still be watching over us all on our lessons and will be that little voice saying to us ‘why are you speaking!’ Xx

Carolyn Hooper

Aug 30, 2023
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Team Swifties 💚💚💚💚

From Hayley Burns, Sara Higham and Jo Wilson.

Lou was the founder member of The Swifties and we’ll be eternally grateful to her for matching us up so the three of us could begin our training together. We named ourselves after her Suzuki Swift and as we took our first tentative steps to becoming driving instructors we knew, even then, how lucky and honoured we were to have the iconic Lou Walsh as our trainer. Yes, we had put her on a pedestal but she lived up to our expectations and we felt like she’d taken us under her wing while she patiently nurtured and coached us.

We, along with many other PDIs, are so thankful to Lou for all the time and effort she selflessly put into Zooms during COVID while we were unable to be in cars and beyond, the PDI Facebook group and the Fail Focus videos. Even after we’d passed our Part 3s she was always willing to answer any questions we might have.

And then there’s the Big Learner Relay!! Only Lou could come up with such a bonkers idea, uniting the driving instructor community to raise £1000s for Children In Need. Being in the car all day with learners can make this job a pretty lonely profession but the BLR made us feel like part of a country-wide team. We were all proud to be invited to be lead drivers.

Thank you, thank you, thank you Lou. We hear you in our lessons all the time. Base your speed choice on what you can’t see, pizza crust and tomato lanes, kiss the parrot, set the gas to a purr, pointy carrots, it’s not slow it’s appropriate. We could go on and on. “What would Lou do?” is a question we repeatedly ask ourselves every day.

Sending love to Lou’s family and friends. If we think WE’LL miss her, we can’t even begin to imagine how you must be feeling. It was always clear to us how much she loved you and we hope, in time, you take comfort in the huge legacies Lou has left in the driving instructor industry and, of course, in your lives too.

Lou was vivacious, passionate, dedicated, kind, generous and fun. Our lives are richer for having her in it, even for just a short time. An incredible woman with a twinkle in her eye, her lippy always on and an eclectic taste in shoes & glasses. We’ll miss her so very, very much. The Swifties are now missing a member and Cowley Close will never be the same again.

Handbrake, neutral, cancel your signal 😢😢😢 xxx


Jo Wilson

Aug 30, 2023
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Lou Walsh, what a inspiration you were. You helped me along with so many driving instructors pass my part 3 and gave me the confidence and the tools to help me better myself. I had the pleasure of meeting you twice first was on a Part 3 and standards check workshop and the other was a Cardington trip.
You was always willing to help anyone and put others before yourself. You have left a legacy within the driving instructor industry and have left a whole in so many lives. Your smile and positiveness shown through everything you did.
I want to send my thoughts and love to Blaine and the rest of your family at such a heartbreaking time. You will be truly missed. Heaven has gained an angel.


Kim Green

Aug 30, 2023

My inspiration

I first came across Lou through social media during the first Covid lockdown after I’d failed my first attempt at part 3. I am honestly so grateful to Covid for bringing her to me at a time when I was ready to give up. She totally changed my way of thinking and teaching and gave me hope to achieve my dream again. I’m still struggling to process the thought that she’s gone because she was always just there! Ever willing to help and advise. She gave everything she had to the industry and the BLR. I will always remember being the lead car of one small part of an amazing event last year and I will always regret putting off doing her train the trainer course (because I thought I wasn’t good enough yet). Lou has taught me to grab life and do what you say you’re going to do! She will never be forgotten xx

Emma Wesley

Aug 30, 2023
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One of a Kind! A true angel.

An integral part of my PDI journey. Such an Inspiration.
Met her at BLR & Conferences.
Go Green and the Zooms are amazing.
Your hints, tips and wonderful teaching ways will stay with me and forever be in my car.
Its your turn Lou…. Learn to fly high with the angels.

Rita Moore

Aug 30, 2023
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I never met you. But your video’s were a big inspiration for me as I trained to be a driving instructor. You went the extra mile and were a big influence in my perseverance with what was a gruelling training process that lead to a career that I love. I will forever be thankful.

Mike Vowles

Aug 30, 2023
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Lou, an inspirational lady

I attended one of Lou’s standards check courses and for 14 days I woke up to her ‘Wake Up Your Questions’ course via email, without both of which I wouldnt have passed with the grade I did, for this I am truely grateful!
Lou had a way of getting information across in an easy to understand way, she will be so sadly missed by many.

Sending my heartfelt condolences to Blaine, her children, family and friends, thinking of you all at this sad time.

Jen Dent

Aug 29, 2023
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Greatest and most influential ADI

In a recent video Lou talked about how she felt herself metermorphosise into Blaine, on her own part 3. I hear her voice in my head on lessons and in other members on the PDI group. Her messages will live on.
Though I never met Lou in person she has been on zooms and hours of video with me for the last 18 months. I’ve tried to write this tribute many times before and there’s no words.
I just want to say thank you Lou for being you and touching so many thousands of lives.

My deepest condolences.

Jude Hembry

Aug 29, 2023
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Simply the best

Had the pleasure of meeting Lou on several relays.
The outcome was the same regardless of whether the meeting was just a few words or an hour in the car together, my pupils and I always knew we had spent time with someone special. My thoughts are with Blaine and family at this difficult time,

Ralph Hawes

Aug 29, 2023
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My Biggest Inspiration

Lou, despite never getting to meet you, you have been my biggest inspiration in the industry. Ever since I started out I’ve been saying how one day I’ll be up there “with Lou and the rest”. That goal will never change. You inspire me to continue working towards changing our industry for the better. Despite the fact that you were taken way too early, your legacy remains. Thank you for all you’ve done for me without knowing it. I’m sure you’ve made heaven a better place already.

Emma Fonnaland

Aug 29, 2023
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Learner relay

Kidderminster to oldbury
She was one in a million with a very big heart she went above and beyond to help so many people she is someone that will never be forgotten my thoughts are with blaine and her kids and family thinking of you all RIP Lou xx

Ian and Sharon Wycherley

Aug 29, 2023